Ask any JW the question "Why do Jehovah's Witnesses impose their views on others?" and you're likely to get a response along the lines of: "We do not impose our views on others. We share with persons what the bible has to say and leave it up to them to decide whether to accept our message or not. We do not impose our views on anyone!". But how exactly do JWs share their views with others? They go out of their way to visit people at their homes to share Watchtower literature with them and recommend that they accept a free home bible study. They recommend that persons adopt their spiritual world view and promote it as the only way to find true happiness, favor with God and the hope of eternal life on a future paradise earth. But all of that hard work to promote their beliefs, equipped with custom made literature and field service presentations delivered directly to people's homes does not constitute imposing their beliefs on others, the JWs would say.
Now look at captioned photo on page 10 of the September 15, 2015 Watchtower:
Do you impose your views on others? (see paragraph 9)

Is it just me, or does the above picture not seem oddly reminiscent of two JWs offering tracts to someone? In fact a graphics artist can easily photoshop the above image by replacing the Raflexidine tracts with Watchtower tracts and no one would doubt that this image is an accurate reflection of JWs doing their preaching work!
In fact I highly recommend that ex-JWs with the technical know-how do this to expose the Watchtower's hypocrisy. Just change the tracts in their hands to be Watchtower tracts and change the logo on the lady's bag to the blue logo and leave the caption that says: "Do you impose your views on others?". In fact it can be a double image with the original image above and altered image below. Have the caption above that says: "Do you impose your views on others?" then on the image itself there can be a big white meme text that says: "Can you spot the difference?". lol
If Watchtower regards the efforts of these two individuals promoting a health brand as tantamount to imposing their views on others, then surely they cannot be blind to the fact that JWs are engaged in a similar work of imposing their religious views on others. Surely they cannot be that blind. They are such hypocrites!